Kindness Conquers All

11th December!! Wow… how did we get here so fast??

How are things with you? Are you checking in on yourself? Do you notice what your triggers are? Do you need to lower your expectations of yourself and others?

Afterall, it’s only Christmas and it comes around every year! So take care of yourself x

It’s a bit dark and gloomy outside but keep looking for glimmers of hope and happiness.


One of the things that I enjoy the most when I’m scrolling through Instagram, is engaging with the wonderful community and finding out what everyone is up to! My social media following and those accounts I follow myself are obviously largely centred around breast cancer.

How cheerful, you might think!!

But actually, although it’s the community that no one wishes to be in, it is the most welcoming and supportive one that I have ever been a part of!

All of the inspirational humans that I follow are coping with so many different obstacles. Everyday, I read about someone who is nearing the end of chemotherapy; who is having surgery; who is fighting for better outcomes for others; who is facing the news that their cancer has come back and who just continues to show up every day!

And yet, these people just make up a tiny fraction of everyone else out there… So I think about my family and friends who are also coping with their own challenges right now. Challenges that affect their lives on a daily basis and their emotional well-being and their quality of life.

So where am I going with this?

I’m not sure, really!! ;) I sat down with the intention of sharing a festive granola recipe that I’m currently devouring daily, but as it turns out my mind and my words took me in a different direction!

Joking aside, I do know where I’m going with this. I just want to convey the message that we have no idea what is going on in someone else’s world. We may think we do but have we actually checked in with them? Have we been curious? Have we allowed them to speak without interruption and the need to share our own struggles?

Taking the time to REALLY listen to someone and empathising with their situation, is everything. Being heard and feeling understood, can help a person process what they are going through and you can play your part in this. How powerful and wonderful is that?

Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
— Mark Twain

Kindness conquers all so spread it generously. And that includes you as well. Christmas is meant to be joyful but can end up feeling a tad overwhelming. It’s an overwhelm that creeps up slowly so do spot those physical warning signs of stress and anxiety. Practice slow breathing and grab a few moments to have a cuppa and hear it from me when I say:

-You are doing enough

-You are loved

-You are kind

-You deserve to rest

-You shine bright

Until next time,

Anja x

PS: I will add the granola recipe to my Insta grid instead :)


Breast Cancer Awareness. The Importance of Screening and Early Detection.


 ‘Tis the Season to Be Jolly!! Christmas, Cancer & Chemo