Reclaim Your Confidence, Peace and Purpose.


I was born and raised in Denmark and have lived in the UK for 25 years. Prior to becoming a Life Coach, I was a teacher for 20 years with a particular interest in supporting children with neurodiversity. Throughout my teaching career I was an advocate for and a great believer in promoting the power of the growth mindset. The idea of equipping yourself with a toolbox of life strategies underpins everything that I do.

After recovering from breast cancer myself, I took the leap to retrain and become a Life Coach. From a young age, I was fascinated by psychology and having been an Elite gymnast for 15 years, goal setting and personal development are always at the forefront of my mind.

When I finished active treatment, I soon recognised that what women need when they ‘come out the other side’ doesn’t really exist! From firsthand experience, I know that regaining a sense of self after cancer can feel lonely and overwhelming. Women are discharged with little support and often they are passed from pillar to post. They may find themselves in a sudden medical menopause and searching for the relief they need takes up time and effort while they are coping with side effects and everyday life.

As a coach, I do this work with you, and I offer a one-to-one, holistic and tailored approach where you are encouraged to identify areas of your life that you would like to develop. In our sessions, you will receive advice and be offered direction on how to own your recovery and reclaim your confidence. I work with my clients to establish where they are ‘stuck’ and together we set goals for moving towards a happier and healthier you. Throughout the course I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, and I encourage you to explore new paths that will make you feel empowered and in control. There will be lots of time for reflection and homework because only you can change your life, but I am there to support you all the way!


We all have moments in life where we feel lost and need a helping hand in finding the path that’s right for us. At no point does this become more significant than when you come through a cancer diagnosis. You have conquered your illness and yet the mountain in front of you seems impossible to climb.

And why would you climb a mountain on your own?

As a coach, who has gone through breast cancer, I will guide you and support you in the areas where you wish to evolve. My role is to encourage you to step into the greater version of you and to coach you towards achieving your goals. It is never too late, I promise!

Coaching is not counselling but instead a solution focused process where we uncover insights and barriers which may have hindered your progress in life. It is a partnership where we work towards you finding your own power and the place where you are in control of your direction, your behaviours and your thinking..

“Her own experience of breast cancer is very helpful, Anja just ‘gets it’ and was able to skilfully provide in the moment feedback and observation from a more neutral perspective and had some very helpful suggestions for me to consider.”


My coaching style is gentle and supportive and while my priority is to challenge you and help you move forward; I will always make sure that you feel comfortable. I know that talking about your experience of breast cancer can trigger emotions, so these conversations are handled sensitively.

I am a strong advocate for personal growth and I believe that anyone can change and live a fulfilled life by changing their mindset. You will find that I talk a lot about The Growth Mindset and the theory behind this is woven into everything that I do.

“Mindset change is not about picking up a few pointers here and there. It's about seeing things in a new way”
Carol Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success


  • Support and advice on how to empower yourself after breast cancer.

  • Short- and long-term goal setting.

  • Action planning and review of your progress.

  • Support in building physical, mental and nutritional habits for life.

  • Reducing stress and living more mindfully.

  • Re-building confidence, resilience and finding a renewed purpose.

  • Early menopause coping strategies.

  • Returning to work after cancer.

  • Learning to cope with recurrence fear.

  • Information on where to find menopause specialists, nutritionists and cancer rehabilitation experts.


Regardless of what you want to achieve with me as your coach, one thing is for sure: the sessions will be tailormade to your needs and I will spend a lot of time getting to know you and your story.


The Coaching Package

  • 6 x 60-minute online sessions over a 8-12 week period with a total cost of £390.

  • This option includes a thorough review of your background; your personal values; discussions about your mental and physical health; your vision for the future; goal setting; action planning; personalised material to work on before each session and continuous review of your progress.

  • The package also includes access to two extensive documents that will support your healing and recovery:

    1. Support After Breast Cancer. Everything you need to know about contacts and information related to early menopause, exercise after breast cancer, nutrition and mindful living.

    2. Moving on from Coaching. A summary of strategies that we have worked on, tips on how to keep up the good work and further links to books and articles.

    The One Off Tailored Session

  • A 90-minute online coaching session with a focus of your choice, costing £75

  • In this session, we can discuss any aspect of your life where you feel stuck or where you wish to evolve. As a guide, previous clients have asked to cover goal setting, managing their return to work, their fear of cancer recurrence or support to regain their confidence.

Top Up Sessions

  • A 60-minute online top up session for those who wish to check in and review their progress, costing £55.

What to do next

Get in Touch!

It is vital that you trust in the process and that you feel we can work together before you sign up.

Please use my easy calendar link below to book your free 15-minute telephone conversation

Sign up!

Once you are ready to sign up, I will send you my terms and conditions and a booking link for our first meeting.

You will also receive a welcome email with what to expect from our sessions(s), and an exercise to complete before we meet.


  • "I found my coaching sessions with Anja really helpful. Her style is gentle, caring, encouraging and supportive and she was not afraid to challenge or stretch some of my beliefs."

  • "Anja provided a helpful framework ahead of our conversation which helped me focus and structure key areas to explore."

  • "Over the course of a few sessions, she helped me create a tangible plan to focus on and help me with areas to reflect on and some new ideas."

  • "I very much recommend Anja’s coaching session!"

    Kat, 50

  • "The list of all the breast cancer resources Anja has curated into a simple document is amazing! I know I’ll refer to it many times moving forward."

  • "I think being coached by Anja, who has been through the treatment process herself, meant it was very easy to connect with her."

  • "The sessions with Anja have made me realise that there are lots of exciting things I can achieve after cancer, and have allowed me to foster a more positive, ‘looking forward to the future’ mindset."

    Jess, 30

  • "Coaching with Anja has been beneficial in so many ways. She really understood what I needed and throughout the sessions, she has helped me to gain clarity and has given me the tools to put things in place and move forward."

  • "Having gone through breast cancer herself, Anja totally understood, and she gave me a safe, supportive and positive space to work through areas I was struggling with."

  • "My mindset now is much more about growth and the future. I would recommend coaching with Anja to anyone in recovery from breast cancer."

    Laura, 49


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